Monday, January 18, 2010

Combination For A Lock Math Combination Lock: The Right Name?

Combination Lock: The Right Name? - combination for a lock math

Well me and my math teacher this argument and my former maths teacher has is the backup in this regard. The definition of the word combination (according to my math book), said that the combination is a command of numbers with no special order. My math teacher said he should be as a block permutation. The definition (in my book) said that a permutation of an array of numbers is the order in which a certain order. I wonder what is right. My personal opinion is that the combination is easy for marketing purposes.


Gurlie09 said...

You're right, I found this site check

Ian T said...

Viewed in terms of combinations and permutations, it is (certainly permutations and should be a "swap" hang) because the sequence of numbers is important. If 10, 15, opens a lock 20, then 20, 15, 10, no.

Thus, his math teacher is out of this issue.

In addition, as many English words, is no more than a definition of "combination" and the lock is applicable: (Merriam-Webster)
2: an ordered sequence: is chosen as a sequence of letters or numbers when setting up a barrier: how it works or the current move.

So it is certainly a combination lock.

(In short, I think if you call a combination lock, then it is a combination lock! And you need a certain permutation of the numbers in order to open, so you do!)

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