Sunday, January 24, 2010

How To Beat Glandular Fever Why Are People Still Saying That Federer Had Glandular Fever At The AO Last Year?

Why are people still saying that Federer had glandular fever at the AO last year? - how to beat glandular fever

Today I read an article that said: "Federer hiccups do not occur in the other semi-final of Australia last year in the finals against eventual champion Novak Djokovic Open, when he suffered from infectious mononucleosis. Before the event started to Federer, said he felt good and reached the semi hard against two good players, Berdych and Blake in three sets on the road. How can some people always say that it so wrong? it fair to Djokovic, who played well to beat him? "It's really stupid and unfair that excuse used to cover the loss of Federer.

Ancic actually glandular fever and could not even walk on the court - Federer was in the competition and make big shots, and offers excellent players lose and win without a sentence. Federer is Superman, it can do all these things with a serious illness, while another young player and strong (Ancic) has failed?, 8659 ...


aljon said...

Yes. Mono is a good excuse for its gradual decline ...

Daniel said...

because I had glandular fever shower. withdrew from the Kooyong year. and of course I had to say it was 100%. If you think an athlete who will be a sign of weakness of the opponents before a tournament. then you're an idiot.

BTW is not it interesting how dare mention Federal and mono, but as we all sympathize with tendinitis Rafas

Daniel said...

because I had glandular fever shower. withdrew from the Kooyong year. and of course I had to say it was 100%. If you think an athlete who will be a sign of weakness of the opponents before a tournament. then you're an idiot.

BTW is not it interesting how dare mention Federal and mono, but as we all sympathize with tendinitis Rafas

austin42... said...

A bit like the same reason that Rafa the final in Madrid, Spain has achieved .... but lost out in the fourth round at French Soderling ... And it is a fact that Roger was mono, so nobody can use against him.

viva_z said...

What you say: "Why do they say, I had mononucleosis?
Because glandular fever Freakin ', dammit!

And yes, he's Superman. You have fourteen Grand Slam singles titles?

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